WISE started small and was fortunate to obtain a number of consulting assignments and grants to sustain the organisation until now. But with the paid team and projects growing, it is necessary to develop a strategic approach to fundraising to ensure survival and build long-term sustainability.

Overall approach

Based on WISE’s evaluation of our current fundraising position and potential new fundraising methods, our overall approach is to increase our effort building up a diverse portfolio of funding sources. Many of the fundraising methods require WISE to improve our overall branding and visibility and to register in the various countries in order to maximise output.

Consulting services

WISE will continue pursuing consulting opportunities that we are qualified for, while improving our marketing by revamping our consulting webpage, including consulting in our organisational profile and strengthening the CVs of team members.

To have a better understanding of the expertise the organisation currently has, WISE will compile a database of consultants. Then WISE can start to build our expertise and experience by offering pro-bono consulting services and developing internal training on consulting-related skills. In the long-term, WISE could consider a consultant training program.

GrantsWISE will dedicate more effort to writing grant applications and start to build a grant-writing team, first by involving the core team in the grant application strategy, then creating resources (e.g. project information database) to help people write grants, thus enabling WISE to recruit a team of volunteers, and in the long term a paid staff.
CrowdfundingWISE needs to conduct crowdfunding campaigns in a strategic manner in order to maximise the amount generated. Therefore, WISE must develop a crowdfunding strategy and plan before embarking on our subsequent campaigns. With this strategy, WISE will be able to recruit a team of volunteers, and in the long term a paid staff, to run crowdfunding campaigns.
TrainingThe feasibility of generating income through training is still unclear. WISE will continue pursuing training opportunities and exploring various fee models to better understand whether training has a sustainable business model in Singapore, Cambodia and Indonesia.
Individual donationsIt is time for WISE to tap on individual donations, but we need to do so in a strategic manner. Therefore, WISE must develop an initial donation marketing plan before revamping our website, social media and newsletter communications and approaching our team members for support. Once WISE has maximised our friends, family and colleagues network, the organisation can start to reach out to a wider audience.
Corporate sponsorshipsWISE must first have a clear idea why we are approaching companies for sponsorship. Therefore the first step is to develop a corporate sponsorship proposal and pitch. To gain experience, we will first reach out to connections through our team members then start to reach out to a wider network.
Outreach activities

The feasibility of generating income through outreach activities is still unclear. WISE will leverage partnership (e.g. FLUSH, GUI) and grant opportunities to conduct outreach activities in order to better understand whether outreach has a sustainable business model.

Action plan


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