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vacation policy

time-off policy

WISE has an unlimited time-off policy. There is no pre-approval required, and employees and interns are strongly encouraged to

Employees and interns may take as much time off as they choose. This is expected to be at least (minimum 14 days per annum for full-time positions, and pro-rated accordingly for part-time positions. Approval is not required). However:

  • If the Employee/Intern will not be contactable for a period significant enough to affect their duties, the Core Team should be informed by Slack or email
  • If the Employee/Intern will require duties to be covered by someone else, the Employee/Intern should obtain prior agreement from all members of the Core Teamnotify the Core Team by Slack or email

Family leave

The Employee/Intern will be entitled to all government-mandated family leave (maternity, paternity, childcare, etc). If additional time off is needed, please refer to the time-off policy.

Public holidays

The Employee/Intern will be entitled to all official public holidays in their country of residence on full salary/allowance.


TO EDIT Kebijakan cuti yang diatur sendiri

Karyawan dan intern dapat mengambil cuti sebanyak waktu yang diinginkan. Hal ini diharapkan minimal 14 hari per tahun. Persetujuan tidak diperlukan. Adapun:

  • Jika Karyawan/ Karyawan Magang tidak dapat dihubungi untuk jangka tertentu, sehingga mempengaruhi tugas mereka, Core Team harus diinformasikan melalui Slack atau email.
  • Jika Karyawan/Karyawan Magang  melimpahkan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya kepada orang lain di kemudian hari, Karyawan/Karyawan Magang harus terlebih dahulu mendapatkan persetujuan dari semua anggota Core Team.

Hari libur

Karyawan/Intern berhak atas seluruh hari libur resmi dengan tunjangan penuh.

Page properties

Applicable toStaff and interns only

Handy Status