- Created by Yoke Pean Thye, last modified by Mitchell Ng Wen Hong on Feb 21, 2024
ActSEA is committed to a work environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity. Each individual has the right to work in an atmosphere that is physically and emotionally safe. These policies extend to external stakeholders who conduct themselves in a way that harasses or discriminates against any ActSEA member. ActSEA has a zero-tolerance policy for all forms of harassment or discrimination. Any team member who requires help or is subjected to discrimination or harassment is encouraged to seek assistance early through the pathways described below.
The purpose of these policies is to communicate all staff, trainees, interns, and volunteers’ basic responsibility to interact in a respectable manner and contribute to a work environment that is free from harassment and discrimination. These policies also establish our reporting procedures and processes for responding to claims of inappropriate behaviour, discrimination, and perceived harassment, so that issues can be identified and remedied internally, promptly, thoroughly and effectively.
Workplace harassment can occur when one party within the work environment demonstrates behaviour that causes or is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to another party. Such behaviour can violate a person’s dignity or create an unfavourable work environment for them, which poses a risk to the person’s safety and health. Examples of behaviour that may be considered harassment through any form of communication include but are not limited to:
- Threatening, abusive, or insulting language, comments or other non-verbal gestures
- Stalking
Workplace discrimination occurs when an individual is discriminated against any of the following factors: Age; Sexual orientation; Religion; Sex; Gender identity; Race; Ethnicity; National origin; Mental or physical disability; Genetic information; Relationship to someone who may be discriminated against; Pregnancy or parenthood; Family responsibilities; Political beliefs, etc.
Examples of areas where discrimination may occur through any form of communication include but are not limited to:
- Recruitment
- Compensation
- Promotions
- Assignment of roles and responsibilities
All team members are not to participate discriminatory or harassing behaviour within the workplace. In addition, board members, Core Team members, and team/project leads are responsible for ensuring that the team members they work with are not harassed or discriminated against within the workplace or in any scenario related to their work/volunteering with ActSEA.
Reporting and investigation procedures
We understand that individuals subject to discrimination or harassment have to do what is best to prioritise their well-being, protect themselves and heal. ActSEA is in the process of instituting procedures and processes for individuals who wish to seek redress through ActSEA.
ActSEA has instituted the following procedures and processes for individuals who wish to seek redress through these channels. We understand that individuals subject to discrimination or harassment have to do what is best to prioritise their well-being, protect themselves and heal. Confidentiality will be maintained throughout the investigation procedure. If you feel that the following procedures could be improved, please reach out to us through the ActSEA Feedback Form.
If you prefer to utilise third-party channels to seek redress, we have included some resources below.
It should be noted that these processes may not be appropriate in every circumstance. Therefore, the processes should be considered flexible and modified by the investigation team as appropriate to the situation.
Overview of procedure and processes
If you are looking to report an incident, refer to the "Procedures for report an incident" page. If you are part of the investigation team, please refer to the "Procedures for investigating an incident" page.
- Discrimination Policy and Review Procedure (Harvard University)
- Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy Statement (Coca-Cola Company)
- Equal opportunity, Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Statement (JP Morgan Chase)
- Policy on a Victim-Centred Approach in UNHCR’s Response to Sexual Misconduct
- Nondiscrimination/Anti-Harassment Policy and Complaint Procedure (SHRM)
- Suspension (Unison)
- Termination (Ministry of Manpower)
Applicable to | All |
Status | COMPLETE |
Details | Mechanisms for report and investigating harassment incidents being developed |
Bahasa Indonesia | CONTENT REQUIRED |